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50 Meilleur steel drum en 2023 [Basé sur 423 avis]

À la recherche d'un steel drum ? Ne cherchez plus ! Parce qu'après avoir passé 64 heures à rechercher 73 options et analysé plus de 423 avis, j'ai dressé cette liste des 50 les mieux notés steel drum options.

L'une des choses les plus importantes à considérer avant de choisir un steel drum est de s'assurer que l'option que vous choisissez a tout ce dont vous avez besoin. Par exemple, même si ORORA Handpan Steel Tongue drum (12 pouces 13 notes) - Instrument de musique enfant et adulte - Tambour zen et méditation - Hang Drum - Ebook de 20 partitions offert - Cadeau original relaxation est l'un des steel drum les mieux notés disponibles, il peut manquer une fonctionnalité importante pour vos besoins. Alors ne choisissez rien à l'aveuglette.

Une autre chose à considérer lors de l'achat d'un steel drum est de vous assurer que vous obtenez une option de marque. Bien que le produit de marque coûtera 10 à 15 % de plus que le steel drum bon marché, il compensera cela par une qualité de fabrication supérieure, de meilleures performances et un service de qualité (le cas échéant, sans parler du prix global garanties et autres avantages de la marque.)

10 meilleurs steel drum en 2023

Vous êtes pressé ? Vous pouvez choisir parmi les options ci-dessous, sinon continuez à lire après le tableau.


Pas pressé ? Je suis sûr que vous avez hâte d'en savoir plus sur les options steel drum pour prendre une décision d'achat éclairée. La bonne nouvelle est que mon article ne concerne pas seulement la liste des meilleures options steel drum, j'ai ajouté des informations supplémentaires, y compris les fonctionnalités, les dimensions, etc. ci-dessous, n'hésitez pas à y jeter un œil avant de faire votre décision.


ORORA Handpan Steel Tongue drum (12 pouces 13 notes) - Instrument de musique enfant et adulte - Tambour zen et méditation - Hang Drum - Ebook de 20 partitions offert - Cadeau original relaxation

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ORORA Handpan Steel Tongue drum (12 pouces 13 notes) - Instrument de musique enfant et adulte - Tambour zen et méditation - Hang Drum - Ebook de 20 partitions offert - Cadeau original relaxation


  • [ MAGNIFIQUE INSTRUMENT ] Notre tongue drum (ou hang drum, tambour à langue, tambour zen) est un instrument à percussion en acier dérivé du handpan. Lors de sa conception, nous avons porté une attention particulière à la qualité sonore et au design. Notre instrument de musique a été conçu pour vous plaire !
  • [ ANTI-STRESS ] Notre steel drum est un instrument idéal pour la relaxation et la méditation. Ses notes mélodieuses créent une atmosphère zen aux vertus apaisantes. Il sera le parfait compagnon de vos moments de détente.
  • [ CADEAU ORIGINAL ] Pour enfant, femme, homme, offrez un cadeau musical original. Le tongue drum est un instrument de musique idéal pour se relaxer. Il conviendra à tous les musiciens en herbe ou confirmés.
  • [ GARANTIE 30 JOURS ] Orora est une jeune entreprise française et la satisfaction de nos clients est notre priorité. Avec Amazon, une garantie de 30 jours vous est proposée. C’est simple, satisfait ou remboursé !
  • [ EBOOK DE 20 PARTITIONS OFFERT ] Finie la frustration de ne pas savoir par où commencer pour jouer de votre instrument. Orora a conçu à votre attention un livret de partitions diversifié (sous forme de tablatures) vous permettant de jouer immédiatement de superbes chansons. Le livret est en français et adapté à tous les niveaux. Des dizaines d’heures de jeu vous attendent !

Steel Tongue Drum Tambour Handpan à 6 Pouces 8 Tons Clé en C Kit Instrument à Percussion en Acier de Tambour à Main Yoga Méditation l'Éducation zen Camping,avec avec Sac, Livre de Musique

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Steel Tongue Drum Tambour Handpan à 6 Pouces 8 Tons Clé en C Kit Instrument à Percussion en Acier de Tambour à Main Yoga Méditation l'Éducation zen Camping,avec avec Sac, Livre de Musique


  • Matériaux de Haute QualitéFabriqué à la main en alliage acier-titane. Peinture protectrice, antirouille, résistante à l'abrasion et aux rayures,En alliage acier titane, chaque note est coupée avec précision à l'aide d'un laser afin d'obtenir un accord parfait et un son pur.
  • Contenu de l'Emballage1 tambour à languette en acier,2 baguettes,1 livre de musique,4 médiators,1 sac de voyage,1boîte de couleur.Vous pouvez mettre tous les accessoires dans le sac de transport et les emporter avec vous.
  • Qualité Sonore ParfaiteÉquipé d'une touche c standard à 8 tons. Les notes s'accordent entre elles, s'harmonisent et créent une atmosphère zen.le ton du tambour à langue en acier est éthéré et mélodieux, qui peut soulager le stress,apporter détente et énergie paisible à votre vie.
  • Garantie 30 JoursNos produits sont de qualité,et nous sommes absolument convaincus que vous allez les adorer.Notre service après-vente vous offre une possibilité de retour sous un délai de 30 jours.
  • Cadeau ParfaitLe tambour à langue en acier est largement utilisé dans les activités religieuses,la méditation de yoga,l'éveil de la petite enfance,à usage professionnel ou personnel.

Sonic Energy Octave Steel Tongue Drum - D Amara 9 tons (D3/A3, C4, D4, E4, F4, G4, A4, C5) - Tambour en acier pour méditation, percussion - Gravure - Avec maillette/sac (OSTD2NBE)

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Sonic Energy Octave Steel Tongue Drum - D Amara 9 tons (D3/A3, C4, D4, E4, F4, G4, A4, C5) - Tambour en acier pour méditation, percussion - Gravure - Avec maillette/sac (OSTD2NBE)


  • Accord sur D Amara – Cet instrument est adapté à la tonalité populaire D Amara (D3/ A3, C4, D4, E4, F4, G4, A4, C5), qui sonne mystique et rêveuse
  • Fabrication de haute qualité – Ce tambour de langue en acier inoxydable revêtu de bleu de haute qualité a été fabriqué avec soin et soin pour produire le meilleur son possible pour vous
  • Neuf tons harmonieux – Combinez neuf tons prédéfinis et harmonieux – La forme plate permet d'atteindre facilement tous les champs sonores
  • Sac et maillet inclus – Protégez votre batterie en acier lors du transport avec le joli sac fourni – Déplacez directement avec la paire de maillets inclus
  • Facile à jouer et adapté à tout le monde – Jouez avec des maillets ou même avec vos mains sur le tambour – Les sons sont coordonnés pour que vous ne jouiez jamais un faux son
  • Pour la méditation et la percussion – Ce tambour tongue en acier est idéal pour la méditation et la relaxation grâce à son son apaisant et doux, ainsi qu'un excellent ajout à votre kit de percussions
  • Cordon en nylon décoratif – Ce tambour tongue en acier octave de Meinl est bordé d'un cordon décoratif en nylon qui met en valeur le look de ce superbe instrument
  • Des sons similaires à Handpan – Jouez aux champs sonores et créez de magnifiques sons similaires à ceux d'une pan
  • Pieds en silicone antidérapants – Pour un maintien sûr pendant le jeu ou même pendant le stationnement après le jeu, trois pieds en silicone antidérapants sur le fond du tambour assurent
  • Instrument compact – Le diamètre de seulement 40 cm, la hauteur d'environ 16 cm et le faible poids de 3,2 kg font de ce tambour un compagnon pratique

Steel Drums Steel Tongue Drum 18-22 Notes 14-18 inch Handpan Drum Double U-Shaped Tongue Spanning an Octave with Performance Package (Color : D Major Size : 18in-22 Tones)

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Steel Drums Steel Tongue Drum 18-22 Notes 14-18 inch Handpan Drum Double U-Shaped Tongue Spanning an Octave with Performance Package (Color : D Major Size : 18in-22 Tones)


  • ??Purple colorful tambourine Durable:The steel tongue drum adopt stainless steel +alloy as material,It can make each tongue vibrate evenly and provide excellent Intonation durability,better corrosion resistance and heat resistance; The perfect combination of coating, carving, and rubber protection ring not only looks beautiful but also prevents rust, abrasion, and scratching
  • ??Wide Application Hand pan:Religious Buddhism, Confucian dojo, Zen tea health, yoga meditation, body and mind healing; Music education, sound therapy, not only can express emotions, cultivate sentiment, but also heal the body and mind, enhance spirituality, and discover the beauty of self
  • ??Seller Service:Comes with performance package; If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us, we will reply you within 24H
  • ??Excellent Design Percussion Instrument: The perfect combination of laser positioning and heat treatment technology can make the sound of the dish-shaped drum more pure, and the reverberation sound will be more layered; Shockproof Solid wood feet and the bottom of tongue drum is sealed,so the tone is smoother, the volume is louder
  • ??14-18 Inch Double tongue steel tongue drum:With a wider natural range of 18-22 tones, can give a crisp, ethereal, Buddha-like sound, and which could be played with most common tunes; You can borrow drumsticks, finger cots, or play with one hand, use your creativity to hit your own favorite and happy sound

GLADFRESIT 432hz Handpan Steel Drum 9 notes 22inch "Purple Performer" in D Minor with handpan stand, handpan case

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GLADFRESIT 432hz Handpan Steel Drum 9 notes 22inch "Purple Performer" in D Minor with handpan stand, handpan case


  • HANDPAND Sounds:432Hz is close to nature, the frequency of water, our body contains 70% water, can resonate here, the voice from the depths of the soul: infinite tuning, pure sound resonates with the heart, you will explore yourself more deeply, let you Empty your emotions, let go of your worries for a while, and gain inner peace.
  • HANDPAN Specifications: Purple Handpan Steel Drum 22 Inch D Minor 9, Including 1 Center, 8 Ranges, D3-A3 Bb3 C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 A4.
  • Applications: HANDPAN has a clear, ethereal, unique sound. Perfect for music therapy, yoga practice, personal meditation, band performances, play with family and friends, and more. When you hear its unique sound, you will fall in love with it.
  • Tuning test: Our professional tuners have selected the most suitable material and thickness for making hand pans, after numerous beating adjustments and repeated testing, to ensure that each GLADFRESIT HANDPAN is delivered to your hands with perfect tone.
  • New Process: After years of research, we have developed a new nitriding process, which makes our handpans less likely to be scratched and damaged, more rust-proof, and prevent colors from fading.

KARAE.Handpan Tongue drum 12 pouces 13 notes Steel tongue drum Instrument de musique à percussion Relaxation, Méditation, Yoga, avec sac de transport, livret d'apprentissage et ses accessoires.

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KARAE.Handpan Tongue drum 12 pouces 13 notes Steel tongue drum Instrument de musique à percussion Relaxation, Méditation, Yoga, avec sac de transport, livret d'apprentissage et ses accessoires.


  • ️ UTILISATIONS DIVERSES. Le Handpan est principalement utilisé pour la relaxation et la méditation, mais son usage peut être élargi à d'autres domaines tels que l'éducation musicale, le chant prénatal, la musicothérapie etc...
  • QUALITE SUPERIEURE. Nos tambours sont fabriqués dans un alliage d'acier et de titane de haute qualité. De plus, les propriétés anticorrosion des tambours sont renforcées grâce au procédé de peinture par cataphorèse.
  • CADEAU PARFAIT ANTISTRESS. Ludique et simple à utiliser, cet instrument à percussion saura vous transporter ailleurs, en créant une atmosphère zen et relaxante propice à un moment de détente et d’introspection.
  • ️ BIENFAITS DE LA MUSIQUE SUR LA SANTE. La musique aide à se détendre, à s’isoler, à se tourner vers soi-même et à méditer. Que ce soit quand on l’écoute ou quand on en joue, on se sent immédiatement mieux quand un handpan commence à résonner à nos côtés, il serait dommage de s’en priver.
  • IDEAL POUR AMATEURS ET DEBUTANTS. Toute la beauté du handpan réside dans sa simplicité. Il n’est pas nécessaire d'être un professionnel et de bien savoir jouer du handpan pour en profiter. Chaque note est bénéfique, il n'y a pas besoin de composer une mélodie harmonique pour que la musique vous aide à vous détendre.

GLADFRESIT 440Hz Handpan Steel Drum 9 Notes 22inch "GOLD Performer" in D Minor with handpan stand, handpan case, durable mallets and dust-free cloth (440 Hz)

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GLADFRESIT 440Hz Handpan Steel Drum 9 Notes 22inch "GOLD Performer" in D Minor with handpan stand, handpan case, durable mallets and dust-free cloth (440 Hz)


  • Applications: HANDPAN has a clear, ethereal, unique sound. Perfect for music therapy, yoga practice, personal meditation, band performances, play with family and friends, and more. When you hear its unique sound, you will fall in love with it.
  • Tuning test: Our professional tuners have selected the most suitable material and thickness for making hand pans, after numerous beating adjustments and repeated testing, to ensure that each GLADFRESIT HANDPAN is delivered to your hands with perfect tone.
  • HANDPAN Sounds: 440Hz it can be the same frequency as other instruments, if you need to play the closing with other instruments, it will be a good choice for you. infinite tuning, pure sound resonates with the heart, you will explore yourself more deeply, let go of your worries for a while, and gain inner peace.
  • HANDPAN Specifications: Gold Handpan Steel Drum 22 Inch D Minor , 9 Notes, Including 1 center note and 8 tone (D3/A3/bB3/C4/D4/E4/F4/G4/A4)
  • New Process: After years of research, we have developed a new Fire Heat Treatment process, which makes our handpans less likely to be scratched and damaged, more rust-proof, and prevent colors from fading.

Amkoskr 14 Pouces 35cm Tambour de Langue en Acier à Clé D 15 Tons Tambour à Main Instrument à Percussion avec Maillets de Tambour/Sac de Transport(Bronze)

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Amkoskr 14 Pouces 35cm Tambour de Langue en Acier à Clé D 15 Tons Tambour à Main Instrument à Percussion avec Maillets de Tambour/Sac de Transport(Bronze)


  • FACILE À JOUER: D majeur avec une gamme naturelle plus large de 15 tons, qui pourraient être joués avec les morceaux les plus courants Plus la taille est grande, meilleur est l'effet musical. Jouez simplement avec les maillets et les doigts, vous entendrez le son merveilleux. Il permet aux débutants de jouer des chansons simples.
  • UTILISATION: Idéal pour l’éducation musicale, la méditation personnelle, la pratique du yoga, le zen, la musicothérapeute, les performances professionnelles, etc.
  • ACCORD MANUEL: Chaque tambour en acier à languette est soigneusement réglé à la main et coupé à la main avec précision, ce qui rend chaque morceau parfait. Le nouvel acier au carbone a une dureté plus élevée, évitant le bruit de traînée causé par la résonance excessive de l'acier au titane, et la qualité sonore est plus pure et plus stratifiée.
  • BONNE QUALITÉ: Fabriqué à la main en alliage d'acier et de titane de haute qualité, magnifique tambour peint à la bombe, poli à la main, anti-corrosion et de qualité supérieure.
  • LISTE DE PRODUITS: 1 * Tambour en acier, 1 * paire de maillets, 1 * livre de musique en Anglais, 1 * sac de transport, 1 jeu d'autocollants de notes, 4 * protège-doigts. Avec un sac de transport, vous pouvez emporter le tambour avec vous où que vous alliez. Notre service après-vente de qualité, vous pouvez être assuré d'acheter nos produits.

AOXGCOV 432 Hz Handpan Steel Drum 9 Notes 22 Pouces '' Gold Performer '' en ré Mineur avec Support for handpan, étui for handpan

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AOXGCOV 432 Hz Handpan Steel Drum 9 Notes 22 Pouces '' Gold Performer '' en ré Mineur avec Support for handpan, étui for handpan


  • Sons du bracelet : 432 Hz est proche de la nature, la fréquence de l'eau, notre corps contient 70 % d'eau, peut résonner ici, la voix des profondeurs de l'âme : réglage infini, le son pur résonne avec le cœur, vous vous explorerez plus profondément. , laissez-vous vider vos émotions, laissez aller vos soucis pendant un moment et gagnez la paix intérieure.
  • Applications : Handpan a un son clair, éthéré et unique.Parfait pour la musicothérapie, la pratique du yoga, la méditation personnelle, les performances de groupe, jouer avec la famille et les amis, et plus encore.Lorsque vous entendrez son son unique, vous en tomberez amoureux.
  • Spécifications du handpan : Tambour en acier pour handpan doré 22 pouces D mineur, 9 notes, dont 1 note centrale et 8 tons (D3/A3/BB3/C4/D4/F4/G4/A4)
  • Nouveau procédé : après des années de recherche, nous avons développé un nouveau procédé de traitement thermique au feu, qui rend nos handpans moins susceptibles d'être rayés et endommagés, plus résistants à la rouille et empêchent les couleurs de se décolorer.
  • Test de réglage : nos accordeurs professionnels ont sélectionné le matériau et l'épaisseur les plus appropriés pour la fabrication de handpans, après de nombreux ajustements de battement et des tests répétés, pour s'assurer que chaque GLADFRESIT HANDPAN est livré à vos mains avec une tonalité parfaite.

GLADFRESIT 432hz Handpan Steel Drum 9 Notes 22inch "GOLD Performer" in D Minor with handpan stand, handpan case, durable mallets and dust-free cloth (432 Hz)

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GLADFRESIT 432hz Handpan Steel Drum 9 Notes 22inch "GOLD Performer" in D Minor with handpan stand, handpan case, durable mallets and dust-free cloth (432 Hz)


  • HANDPAND Sounds:432Hz is close to nature, the frequency of water, our body contains 70% water, can resonate here, the voice from the depths of the soul: infinite tuning, pure sound resonates with the heart, you will explore yourself more deeply, let you Empty your emotions, let go of your worries for a while, and gain inner peace.
  • HANDPAN Specifications: Gold Handpan Steel Drum 22 Inch D Minor , 9 Notes, Including 1 center note and 8 tone (D3/A3/bB3/C4/D4/E4/F4/G4/A4)
  • Tuning test: Our professional tuners have selected the most suitable material and thickness for making hand pans, after numerous beating adjustments and repeated testing, to ensure that each GLADFRESIT HANDPAN is delivered to your hands with perfect tone.
  • Applications: HANDPAN has a clear, ethereal, unique sound. Perfect for music therapy, yoga practice, personal meditation, band performances, play with family and friends, and more. When you hear its unique sound, you will fall in love with it.
  • New Process: After years of research, we have developed a new Fire Heat Treatment process, which makes our handpans less likely to be scratched and damaged, more rust-proof, and prevent colors from fading.

Jumbie Jam JJ3050 Steel-drum avec support et mailloches Gris

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Jumbie Jam JJ3050 Steel-drum avec support et mailloches Gris


  • Diamètre : 40 cm - Profondeur : 6,5 cm - Poids : 1,38 kg
  • Support inclus
  • Mailloches et guide du débutant (en langue anglaise) inclus
  • Vendu dans une boîte rigide dotée d'une poignée de transport
  • Steel-drum accordé en sol

Amkoskr 12 Pouces 30 cm Tambour de Langue en Acier à Clé C 11 Tons Tambour à Main Instrument à Percussion avec Maillets de Tambour/Sac de Transport (Bronze)

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Amkoskr 12 Pouces 30 cm Tambour de Langue en Acier à Clé C 11 Tons Tambour à Main Instrument à Percussion avec Maillets de Tambour/Sac de Transport (Bronze)


  • FACILE À JOUER: C majeur avec une gamme naturelle plus large de 11 tons, qui pourraient être joués avec les morceaux les plus courants Plus la taille est grande, meilleur est l'effet musical. Jouez simplement avec les maillets et les doigts, vous entendrez le son merveilleux. Il permet aux débutants de jouer des chansons simples.
  • LISTE DE PRODUITS: 1 * Tambour en acier, 1 * paire de maillets, 1 * livre de musique en Anglais, 1 * sac de transport, 1 jeu d'autocollants de notes, 4 * protège-doigts. Avec un sac de transport, vous pouvez emporter le tambour avec vous où que vous alliez. Notre service après-vente de qualité, vous pouvez être assuré d'acheter nos produits.
  • UTILISATION: Idéal pour l’éducation musicale, la méditation personnelle, la pratique du yoga, le zen, la musicothérapeute, les performances professionnelles, etc.
  • BONNE QUALITÉ: Fabriqué à la main en alliage d'acier et de titane de haute qualité, magnifique tambour peint à la bombe, poli à la main, anti-corrosion et de qualité supérieure.
  • ACCORD MANUEL: Chaque tambour en acier à languette est soigneusement réglé à la main et coupé à la main avec précision, ce qui rend chaque morceau parfait. Le nouvel acier au carbone a une dureté plus élevée, évitant le bruit de traînée causé par la résonance excessive de l'acier au titane, et la qualité sonore est plus pure et plus stratifiée.

Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Tongue Drum Drums Handpan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag (Color : A) f (B)

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Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Tongue Drum Drums Handpan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag (Color : A) f (B)


  • As very newly-developed musical instruments, steel tongue drums do not require complicated musical theory or any rudiments of music. They can be played by drumstick or by bare hands, beating, patting, or finger patting, with no fixed musical background.
  • Steel tongue drums are made with craftsmanship of philosophy, religion, culture, art, and are special blend of contemporary science and technology, vibration theory and novelty designs. Their music is delicate, elegant
  • Steel tongue drums are broadly used in religion as Buddhism, Confucian, Zen, yoga, Zen Tea, Music, and Sound Healing. They not only enhance our passion and ideal, also heal physically and mentally, and exalt spirituality and restore our natural beauty.
  • When attentive playing with them, you keep same pace breathing with drums' sounding. While you are concentrating on both body and mind, it takes you naturally into extreme peace and equilibrium, awakening you to deep sensations on the sound your soul.
  • Professional Steel Tongue Drum,Made in Germany Authentic ?HandPan, C-Key, 432 Hz-the most coordinated frequency in the universe with the human bodyFor Adult Meditation Entertainment Musical Zen Calming Spiritual Therapy gift-Worry Free Drum-Ethereal Drum

Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Drum Handpan Melodious Melody 9 Notes with Drum Stand Drum Bag Drumstick Handmade Percussion Instrument Meditation Professional Performance Beginner for Decompressio

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Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Drum Handpan Melodious Melody 9 Notes with Drum Stand Drum Bag Drumstick Handmade Percussion Instrument Meditation Professional Performance Beginner for Decompressio


  • Widely used : Handpan are excellent -made percussion instruments, suitable for street performances, festival celebrations, friends and family gatherings, etc. It can also be used in fields including music education, mental rehabilitation, meditation, self-cultivation, etc.
  • Soft and exquisite sound : The handpan has extremely high sensitivity, the overall sound stability is good, advanced tuning and resonance technology is added, the tone tension is large, the bass is calm and soft, and the treble is and melodious, giving you a dream-like feeling .
  • Durable : The handpan is made of thicker steel than similar products. Its durability and anti-impact ability have been effectively strengthened, which largely avoids the problem of walking due to long-term use.
  • Professional Steel Tongue Drum,Made in Germany Authentic ?HandPan, C-Key, 432 Hz-the most coordinated frequency in the universe with the human bodyFor Adult Meditation Entertainment Musical Zen Calming Spiritual Therapy gift-Worry Free Drum-Ethereal Drum
  • High-quality handpan : This handpan is a perfect combination of a harmonious sound system and high-quality craftsmanship. It includes 9 beautiful notes: D3, A4, F4, D4, Bb3, A3, C4, E4, G4.

KUDOUT Tambour à Main-Tongue Drums à 12 Pouces 13 Tons Handpan Instrument de Percussion à Tambour Pan idéal pour la méditation,Yoga,Performances,éducation,Livré avec sac,maillets et médiators

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KUDOUT Tambour à Main-Tongue Drums à 12 Pouces 13 Tons Handpan Instrument de Percussion à Tambour Pan idéal pour la méditation,Yoga,Performances,éducation,Livré avec sac,maillets et médiators


  • Différentes façons de jouer:Facile à jouer, vous pouvez le jouer facilement avec les maillets de batterie inclus ou avec vos mains, et les bâtons de notes inclus vous aideront à faire de superbes sons.En outre, l'écho en jouant avec des maillets sera plus pénétrant et plus éthéré.
  • Application:Bouddhisme religieux,dojo confucéen, santé de thé zen, méditation de yoga, corps et guérison d'esprit.L'éducation musicale,la thérapie sonore, pas nly peut exprimer des émotions,cultiver le sentiment, mais aussi guérir le corps et l'esprit,améliorer la spiritualité,et découvrir la beauté de soi.
  • PREMIUM MATERIAL:Fabriqué à la main en Acier-Titane,recouvert d'une peinture de pulvérisation,résistant à la corrosion.Steel Tongue Drum peut produire un son propre,éthéré,semblable à celui d'un Bouddha,capable de faire revivre le stress et la détente de votre vie.
  • Exercice physique et mental:Exercice avec vos mains, votre cerveau, et votre coeur ! Jouer des tambours de langue peut changer la composition du sang humain,le corps et l'esprit se sentent détendus et heureux,qui augmentent la fonction immunitaire du corps.
  • Parfait 13 tonalités:Tambour à langue de 12pouces de grande taille avec 13 tonalités différentes.Vous pouvez jouer de la musique nationale unique et aussi jouer des accords pour l'accompagnement.Les tons agréables font qu'il est plus facile pour les auditeurs de résonner.

VIXXNOXX Tambour de Langue en Acier Steel Tongue Drum Handpan Drum à 10 Pouces 25 cm 11 Tons Clé en C Instrument de Percussion à Main avec Sac, Livre de Musique et Maillets (Noir)

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VIXXNOXX Tambour de Langue en Acier Steel Tongue Drum Handpan Drum à 10 Pouces 25 cm 11 Tons Clé en C Instrument de Percussion à Main avec Sac, Livre de Musique et Maillets (Noir)


  • Son d'accord parfait : Le tongue drum possède une forme de pétale de lotus, ce qui rend son design unique et beau. La tonalité est stable, claire et mélodique, sans « résonance de fer qui cogne ». Facile et convivial, le tambour suspendu peut être joué avec des maillets ou avec les doigts, même pour les débutants.
  • Matériau de qualité : Le VixxNoxx tambour de langue est fabriqué en acier, au carbone de haute qualité pour un meilleur son et une meilleure stabilité. L'acier est sélectionné selon des critères stricts ainsi que l'accordage qui tous deux sont conformes au contrôle de la qualité produit. La technologie de pulvérisation avancée permet d'éviter la peinture qui s'écaille, les rayures, la corrosion ou la rouille.
  • Large champ d'application : Le tambour suspendu est adapté à divers usages : méditation, divertissement, éducation musicale, concert, guérison de l'esprit, yoga et bien d'autres. Le son éthéré et élégant de notre tambour hue vous apaisera du stress et calmera votre nerfs. Également adapté aux enfants, il leur permet d'améliorer leurs capacités cérébrales et de relâcher la pression des personnes plus âgées en tuant le temps.
  • Cadeau idéal : Cadeau idéal parent-enfant, le Tongue Drum crée des moments chaleureux et heureux en famille avec vos enfants. De plus, jouer d'un instrument thérémine au son éthéré et curatif s'avère bénéfique au développement auditif des tout-petits ainsi qu'à leur développement visuel. Le Tongue Drum en acier portable possède une belle apparence et représente le cadeau parfait pour les personnes âgées, les amis et les amateurs de musique.
  • Le paquet comprend : 1 * tambour en acier, 1 * sac à cordon, 1 * partition de musique anglaise, 1 * autocollant de rechange, 2 * maillets et 4 * Couvre-doigts.1 manuel d'instructions, 1 support de baguette, 1 chiffon de nettoyage. Nous fournissons également une garantie de remboursement de 30 jours. Veuillez nous contacter si vous avez des questions, nous vous répondrons dans les 24 heures.

Handpan Drum Instrument in D Minor 9 Notes 22 inches Steel Hand Drum Handpan Drum Instrument with Soft Hand Pan Bag handpan Mallet Handpan Stand for Audio Production (Color : Black) (Silver)

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Handpan Drum Instrument in D Minor 9 Notes 22 inches Steel Hand Drum Handpan Drum Instrument with Soft Hand Pan Bag handpan Mallet Handpan Stand for Audio Production (Color : Black) (Silver)


  • Precision tuningEach note of the handpad drum is manually tuned by an experienced tuner, and then the sound is measured with a tuning instrument to make precise adjustments.
  • Comes with giftsThe handpan drum instrument includes 1 carrybag,1 Pair *Drumstick,1 handpan stand,1 dust-free cloth.The included handpan bag makes your hand drum more convenient to storage and carry.
  • HandmadeThe handpan drums of excellent quality are all made by hand, and they will leave slight hammer marks and scratches after being tuned by hand, which is a normal phenomenon. Because it is handmade, there may be some differences in the color of each handpan.
  • Music GiftThe best handpen drum currently on the market. Beautiful vibration sounds, as a special gift for music lovers, bring special surprises! ! ! Senior playing music gifts for any age.
  • Professional performanceThe perfect advanced percussion instrument. Unparalleled handmade design, carefully tuned by professional tuner using unique high-end equipment to ensure that each tone close to perfect, and it makes an ethereal sound that makes people intoxicated.

Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Tongue Drum 9 Notes Steel Drum Concert Version D Minor Handpan 22Inch/56Cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag for De

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Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Tongue Drum 9 Notes Steel Drum Concert Version D Minor Handpan 22Inch/56Cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag for De


  • When attentive playing with them, you keep same pace breathing with drums' sounding. While you are concentrating on both body and mind, it takes you naturally into extreme peace and equilibrium, awakening you to deep sensations on the sound your soul.
  • Steel tongue drums are broadly used in religion as Buddhism, Confucian, Zen, yoga, Zen Tea, Music, and Sound Healing. They not only enhance our passion and ideal, also heal physically and mentally, and exalt spirituality and restore our natural beauty.
  • As very newly-developed musical instruments, steel tongue drums do not require complicated musical theory or any rudiments of music. They can be played by drumstick or by bare hands, beating, patting, or finger patting, with no fixed musical background.
  • Professional Steel Tongue Drum,Made in Germany Authentic ?HandPan, C-Key, 432 Hz-the most coordinated frequency in the universe with the human bodyFor Adult Meditation Entertainment Musical Zen Calming Spiritual Therapy gift-Worry Free Drum-Ethereal Drum
  • Steel tongue drums are made with craftsmanship of philosophy, religion, culture, art, and are special blend of contemporary science and technology, vibration theory and novelty designs. Their music is delicate, elegant

MOOZICA Steel Handpan Drum, 9 tons 16" Tongue Drum Steel Handpan Instrument de musique professionnel à percussion avec sac de transport pour baguette (Noir)

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MOOZICA Steel Handpan Drum, 9 tons 16" Tongue Drum Steel Handpan Instrument de musique professionnel à percussion avec sac de transport pour baguette (Noir)


  • Relaxant et revigorant Un son apaisant, doux et paisible rend cet instrument de musique unique à la musique. Vous n'avez pas besoin de savoir comment jouer des instruments de musique ou lire des notes ou autres. Suivez simplement votre cœur et battez le tambour avec les maillets fournis ou avec vos doigts. Idéal pour les débutants!
  • Avec tous les accessoires dont vous avez besoin : tambour MOOZICA, guide d'apprentissage, maillets de tambour et étuis à doigts inclus, avec tous les accessoires dont vous avez besoin pour jouer et apprendre facilement. Pas besoin de fond musical, apportez simplement un sentiment d'exploration et de vous-même.
  • Taille raisonnable avec effet sonore exceptionnelLa taille appropriée garantit que ce tambour peut être un beau compagnon de musique. Apportez des endroits calmes ou un bureau. Se tient parfaitement dans vos mains.
  • Meilleur cadeau de tous les temps Applicable à une variété de domaines, y compris les cours de musique, la guérison mentale, la méditation de yoga, etc. Idéal pour les spectacles, les festivals, les réunions d'amis et de famille, l'éducation de la petite enfance. Léger pour les débutants et intéressant pour les avancés.
  • Matériau de haute qualité : ce modèle est fabriqué en caoutchouc de haute qualité avec une excellente finition qui garantit à la fois l'effet sonore et la performance. Excellente vibration de résonance et vous offre une expérience sonore pure, lisse et paisible à chaque tonalité.

Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Tongue Drum Drums Harmonic Handpan 9 Notes Steel Drum Percussion 22inch/56cm Chakra Drum for Music and Sound Healing Religion Yoga Zen Tea with Soft Bag for Decom

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Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Tongue Drum Drums Harmonic Handpan 9 Notes Steel Drum Percussion 22inch/56cm Chakra Drum for Music and Sound Healing Religion Yoga Zen Tea with Soft Bag for Decom


  • ?As very newly-developed musical instruments, steel tongue drums do not require complicated musical theory or any rudiments of music. They can be played by drumstick or by bare hands, beating, patting, or finger patting, with no fixed musical background. You can play tongue drums by much improvising, and could make different performance each time, even on the very same song.
  • ?Steel tongue drum also applies to prenatal education and early childhood education, helps to cultivate a sense of music, children playing with their hands will stimulate the nerve endings of the to enhance the coordination of left and right . It plays a good role in promoting children's brain development making young children eyes, ears, brain palm more dexterity coordination.
  • Professional Steel Tongue Drum,Made in Germany Authentic ?HandPan, C-Key, 432 Hz-the most coordinated frequency in the universe with the human bodyFor Adult Meditation Entertainment Musical Zen Calming Spiritual Therapy gift-Worry Free Drum-Ethereal Drum
  • ?Steel tongue drums are broadly used in religion as Buddhism, Confucian, Zen, yoga, Zen Tea, Music, and Sound Healing. They not only enhance our passion and ideal, also heal physically and mentally, and exalt spirituality and restore our natural beauty.
  • ?Steel tongue drums are made with craftsmanship of philosophy, religion, culture, art, and are special blend of contemporary science and technology, vibration theory and novelty designs. Their music is delicate, elegant, with the flavor of Chinese traditional musical instruments, such as chimes, guqin, guzheng, and modern drums with strong penetrating power.

Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Tongue Drum Drums Harmonic Handpan 9 Notes Steel Drum Percussion 22inch/56cm Chakra Drum for Music and Sound Healing Religion Yoga Zen Tea with Soft Bag for Decom

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Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Tongue Drum Drums Harmonic Handpan 9 Notes Steel Drum Percussion 22inch/56cm Chakra Drum for Music and Sound Healing Religion Yoga Zen Tea with Soft Bag for Decom


  • Professional Steel Tongue Drum,Made in Germany Authentic ?HandPan, C-Key, 432 Hz-the most coordinated frequency in the universe with the human bodyFor Adult Meditation Entertainment Musical Zen Calming Spiritual Therapy gift-Worry Free Drum-Ethereal Drum
  • ?Steel tongue drum also applies to prenatal education and early childhood education, helps to cultivate a sense of music, children playing with their hands will stimulate the nerve endings of the to enhance the coordination of left and right . It plays a good role in promoting children's brain development making young children eyes, ears, brain palm more dexterity coordination.
  • ?As very newly-developed musical instruments, steel tongue drums do not require complicated musical theory or any rudiments of music. They can be played by drumstick or by bare hands, beating, patting, or finger patting, with no fixed musical background. You can play tongue drums by much improvising, and could make different performance each time, even on the very same song.
  • ?Steel tongue drums are broadly used in religion as Buddhism, Confucian, Zen, yoga, Zen Tea, Music, and Sound Healing. They not only enhance our passion and ideal, also heal physically and mentally, and exalt spirituality and restore our natural beauty.
  • ?Steel tongue drums are made with craftsmanship of philosophy, religion, culture, art, and are special blend of contemporary science and technology, vibration theory and novelty designs. Their music is delicate, elegant, with the flavor of Chinese traditional musical instruments, such as chimes, guqin, guzheng, and modern drums with strong penetrating power.

Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Handpan Steel Drum Handpan Drum Instrument Percussion Lifestyle in D Minor 13 Notes 22 inches Steel Drum with Soft Bag 2 Handpan Mallet Handpan Stand

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Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Handpan Steel Drum Handpan Drum Instrument Percussion Lifestyle in D Minor 13 Notes 22 inches Steel Drum with Soft Bag 2 Handpan Mallet Handpan Stand


  • As very newly-developed musical instruments, steel tongue drums do not require complicated musical theory or any rudiments of music. They can be played by drumstick or by bare hands, beating, patting, or finger patting, with no fixed musical background. You can play tongue drums by much improvising, and could make different performance each time, even on the very same song.
  • Professional Steel Tongue Drum,Made in Germany Authentic ?HandPan, C-Key, 432 Hz-the most coordinated frequency in the universe with the human bodyFor Adult Meditation Entertainment Musical Zen Calming Spiritual Therapy gift-Worry Free Drum-Ethereal Drum
  • Easy to Carry cleaningThe handpan drum instrument includes 1 carry bag, 1 handpan mallet,1 handpan stand,1 dust-free cloth.The included handbag makes your drum more convenient to storage and carry, , and a dust-free cloth for easy cleaning.
  • 13 Notes Design drum in D Minor 13 notes, including 1 center note and 12 tone (D3/A3/bB3/ C4/D4/E4/F4/G4/A4/C5 etc).Generally played with the hands and fingers, producing beautiful sound, melodious music, enjoy the healing, put aside all trivial things and listen to the inner voice quietly.
  • Nitrogen steel Material processThe handpan is constructed with heavy duty nitrogen steel material,and the two deep-drawn half shells have been manual hammering and fire heat treatment by the craftsman to become a handpan drum instrument with beautiful sound and beautiful colors.Durable and sturdy.

INMAKER Tongue Drum,Tambour à Main 8 Tons 6 Pouces Instrument à Percussion en Acier Avec Livre de Musique pour Éducation Musicale, Yoga, Méditation.

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INMAKER Tongue Drum,Tambour à Main 8 Tons 6 Pouces Instrument à Percussion en Acier Avec Livre de Musique pour Éducation Musicale, Yoga, Méditation.


  • Fabriqué en acier de haute qualité-Durable,anti-rouille et rayures haute résistance à la corrosion et résistance à la chaleur maintient l'excellente intonation.
  • L'échelle naturelle crée des sons de la nature, avec des effets de résonance de haute qualité, et la qualité sonore est claire et longue. Guérissez votre corps et votre esprit et apportez-vous un voyage d'apaisement spirituel.
  • Tambour à languette en acier 8 notes de 6 pouces, facile à jouer C-KEY peut être joué avec des maillets ou des doigts Il peut produire des sons éthérés, ce qui est un plaisir d'entendre et d'âme .
  • INMAKER Steel Drum. Un son reposant soulage votre stress, libère votre esprit - Une véritable âme claire et libre; La forme spécialement conçue de la langue de tambour en acier assure votre expérience de jeu de batterie parfaite.
  • Convient aux débutants pour jouer, facile à créer votre rythme peut-être pourrait découvrir votre talent musical potentiel! Largement utilisé dans la yoga,éducation musicale,la Méditation.

Hand Pan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum + Soft Hand Pan Bag 22" /56cm 9 Notes (D3 A BB C D E F G A) for Music and Sound Healing Religion Yoga Zen Tea Gold

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Hand Pan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum + Soft Hand Pan Bag 22" /56cm 9 Notes (D3 A BB C D E F G A) for Music and Sound Healing Religion Yoga Zen Tea Gold


  • Package included: Steel drum, soft protection bag, drum bracket, drumstick, cleaning cloth.
  • Sound Test: 100% quality control . Checked overtone metal sound . All notes have excellent resonance vibration . Each note checked with a tuner – minimum possible fluctuations.
  • Measurements: Diameter: 22inch/56cm, Height: 13.8inch/35cm, big size, 8LB(3.7kg) portable. Body is made of Carbonized steel, edge is coated by protecting.
  • 9 Notes: Hand pan in D Minor 9 notes (D3 A Bb C D E F G A), A wonderful instrument by the principle of Helmholtz-resonator.

Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Drums Handpan in D Minor Double Sided 17 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/ 56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag for Decompressio

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Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Drums Handpan in D Minor Double Sided 17 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/ 56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag for Decompressio


  • Professional Steel Tongue Drum, Made in Germany Authentic ?HandPan, C-Key, 432 Hz- the most coordinated frequency in the universe with the human bodyFor Adult Meditation Entertainment Musical Zen Calming Spiritual Therapy gift- Worry Free Drum- Ethereal Drum
  • When attentive playing with them, you keep same pace breathing with drums' sounding. While you are concentrating on both body and mind, it takes you naturally into extreme peace and equilibrium, awakening you to deep sensations on the sound your soul. In such a wonderful state, you are restored to where you originally should be, with the soul mate together.
  • Steel tongue drums are broadly used in religion as Buddhism, Confucian, Zen, yoga, Zen Tea, Music, and Sound Healing. They not only enhance our passion and ideal, also heal physically and mentally, and exalt spirituality and restore our natural beauty.
  • Steel tongue drums are made with craftsmanship of philosophy, religion, culture, art, and are special blend of contemporary science and technology, vibration theory and novelty designs. Their music is delicate, elegant
  • As very newly- developed musical instruments, steel tongue drums do not require complicated musical theory or any rudiments of music. They can be played by drumstick or by bare hands, beating, patting, or finger patting, with no fixed musical background.

Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Drums Handpan in D Minor Double Sided 17 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/ 56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag for Decompressio

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Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Drums Handpan in D Minor Double Sided 17 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/ 56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag for Decompressio


  • As very newly- developed musical instruments, steel tongue drums do not require complicated musical theory or any rudiments of music. They can be played by drumstick or by bare hands, beating, patting, or finger patting, with no fixed musical background.
  • Steel tongue drums are made with craftsmanship of philosophy, religion, culture, art, and are special blend of contemporary science and technology, vibration theory and novelty designs. Their music is delicate, elegant
  • Steel tongue drums are broadly used in religion as Buddhism, Confucian, Zen, yoga, Zen Tea, Music, and Sound Healing. They not only enhance our passion and ideal, also heal physically and mentally, and exalt spirituality and restore our natural beauty.
  • Professional Steel Tongue Drum, Made in Germany Authentic ?HandPan, C-Key, 432 Hz- the most coordinated frequency in the universe with the human bodyFor Adult Meditation Entertainment Musical Zen Calming Spiritual Therapy gift- Worry Free Drum- Ethereal Drum
  • When attentive playing with them, you keep same pace breathing with drums' sounding. While you are concentrating on both body and mind, it takes you naturally into extreme peace and equilibrium, awakening you to deep sensations on the sound your soul. In such a wonderful state, you are restored to where you originally should be, with the soul mate together.

Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Drums Handpan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag Black for Decompression Music and

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Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Drums Handpan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag Black for Decompression Music and


  • When attentive playing with them,you keep same pace breathing with drums'sounding.While you are concentrating on both body and mind,it takes you naturally into extreme peace and equilibrium,awakening you to deep sensations on the sound your soul.In such a wonderful state,you are restored to where you originally should be,with the soul mate together.
  • Steel tongue drums are broadly used in religion as Buddhism,Confucian,Zen,yoga,Zen Tea,Music,and Sound Healing.They not only enhance our passion and ideal,also heal physically and mentally,and exalt spirituality and restore our natural beauty.
  • As very newly-developed musical instruments,steel tongue drums do not require complicated musical theory or any rudiments of music.They can be played by drumstick or by bare hands,beating,patting,or finger patting,with no fixed musical background.
  • Professional Steel Tongue Drum,Made in Germany Authentic ?HandPan,C-Key,432 Hz-the most coordinated frequency in the universe with the human bodyFor Adult Meditation Entertainment Musical Zen Calming Spiritual Therapy gift-Worry Free Drum-Ethereal Drum
  • Steel tongue drums are made with craftsmanship of philosophy,religion,culture,art,and are special blend of contemporary science and technology,vibration theory and novelty designs.Their music is delicate,elegant

Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Tongue Drum Drums Handpan in F Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes F3 BA BB C BE F G A C with Soft Bag Black for D

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Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Tongue Drum Drums Handpan in F Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes F3 BA BB C BE F G A C with Soft Bag Black for D


  • As very newly-developed musical instruments, steel tongue drums do not require complicated musical theory or any rudiments of music. They can be played by drumstick or by bare hands, beating, patting, or finger patting, with no fixed musical background.
  • Steel tongue drums are made with craftsmanship of philosophy, religion, culture, art, and are special blend of contemporary science and technology, vibration theory and novelty designs. Their music is delicate, elegant
  • Steel tongue drums are broadly used in religion as Buddhism, Confucian, Zen, yoga, Zen Tea, Music, and Sound Healing. They not only enhance our passion and ideal, also heal physically and mentally, and exalt spirituality and restore our natural beauty.
  • When attentive playing with them, you keep same pace breathing with drums' sounding. While you are concentrating on both body and mind, it takes you naturally into extreme peace and equilibrium, awakening you to deep sensations on the sound your soul.
  • Professional Steel Tongue Drum,Made in Germany Authentic ?HandPan, C-Key, 432 Hz-the most coordinated frequency in the universe with the human bodyFor Adult Meditation Entertainment Musical Zen Calming Spiritual Therapy gift-Worry Free Drum-Ethereal Drum

Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Tongue Drum Drums Handpan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag (Color : A) f (C)

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Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Tongue Drum Drums Handpan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag (Color : A) f (C)


  • Professional Steel Tongue Drum,Made in Germany Authentic ?HandPan, C-Key, 432 Hz-the most coordinated frequency in the universe with the human bodyFor Adult Meditation Entertainment Musical Zen Calming Spiritual Therapy gift-Worry Free Drum-Ethereal Drum
  • When attentive playing with them, you keep same pace breathing with drums' sounding. While you are concentrating on both body and mind, it takes you naturally into extreme peace and equilibrium, awakening you to deep sensations on the sound your soul.
  • Steel tongue drums are made with craftsmanship of philosophy, religion, culture, art, and are special blend of contemporary science and technology, vibration theory and novelty designs. Their music is delicate, elegant
  • As very newly-developed musical instruments, steel tongue drums do not require complicated musical theory or any rudiments of music. They can be played by drumstick or by bare hands, beating, patting, or finger patting, with no fixed musical background.
  • Steel tongue drums are broadly used in religion as Buddhism, Confucian, Zen, yoga, Zen Tea, Music, and Sound Healing. They not only enhance our passion and ideal, also heal physically and mentally, and exalt spirituality and restore our natural beauty.

Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Handpan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag Black for Decompression Music and Gi

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Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Handpan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag Black for Decompression Music and Gi


  • Professional Steel Tongue Drum,Made in Germany Authentic ?HandPan, C-Key, 432 Hz-the most coordinated frequency in the universe with the human bodyFor Adult Meditation Entertainment Musical Zen Calming Spiritual Therapy gift-Worry Free Drum-Ethereal Drum
  • Steel tongue drums are broadly used in religion as Buddhism, Confucian, Zen, yoga, Zen Tea, Music, and Sound Healing. They not only enhance our passion and ideal, also heal physically and mentally, and exalt spirituality and restore our natural beauty.
  • When attentive playing with them, you keep same pace breathing with drums' sounding. While you are concentrating on both body and mind, it takes you naturally into extreme peace and equilibrium, awakening you to deep sensations on the sound your soul. In such a wonderful state, you are restored to where you originally should be, with the soul mate together. They become more and more popular and welcomed by many music lovers. With Steel tongue drum, you are about to be a musician for yourself.
  • As very newly-developed musical instruments, steel tongue drums do not require complicated musical theory or any rudiments of music. They can be played by drumstick or by bare hands, beating, patting, or finger patting, with no fixed musical background. You can play tongue drums by much improvising, and could make different performance each time, even on the very same song.
  • Steel tongue drums are made with craftsmanship of philosophy, religion, culture, art, and are special blend of contemporary science and technology, vibration theory and novelty designs. Their music is delicate, elegant, with the flavor of Chinese traditional musical instruments, such as chimes, guqin, guzheng, and modern drums with strong penetrating power.

Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Tongue Drum Drums Handpan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag Black for Dec

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Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Tongue Drum Drums Handpan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag Black for Dec


  • When attentive playing with them, you keep same pace breathing with drums' sounding. While you are concentrating on both body and mind, it takes you naturally into extreme peace and equilibrium, awakening you to deep sensations on the sound your soul.
  • Professional Steel Tongue Drum,Made in Germany Authentic ?HandPan, C-Key, 432 Hz-the most coordinated frequency in the universe with the human bodyFor Adult Meditation Entertainment Musical Zen Calming Spiritual Therapy gift-Worry Free Drum-Ethereal Drum
  • Steel tongue drums are broadly used in religion as Buddhism, Confucian, Zen, yoga, Zen Tea, Music, and Sound Healing. They not only enhance our passion and ideal, also heal physically and mentally, and exalt spirituality and restore our natural beauty.
  • Steel tongue drums are made with craftsmanship of philosophy, religion, culture, art, and are special blend of contemporary science and technology, vibration theory and novelty designs. Their music is delicate, elegant
  • As very newly-developed musical instruments, steel tongue drums do not require complicated musical theory or any rudiments of music. They can be played by drumstick or by bare hands, beating, patting, or finger patting, with no fixed musical background.

Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Tongue Drum Drums Handpan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag for Decompress

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Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Tongue Drum Drums Handpan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag for Decompress


  • Steel tongue drums are made with craftsmanship of philosophy, religion, culture, art, and are special blend of contemporary science and technology, vibration theory and novelty designs. Their music is delicate, elegant
  • Professional Steel Tongue Drum,Made in Germany Authentic ?HandPan, C-Key, 432 Hz-the most coordinated frequency in the universe with the human bodyFor Adult Meditation Entertainment Musical Zen Calming Spiritual Therapy gift-Worry Free Drum-Ethereal Drum
  • Steel tongue drums are broadly used in religion as Buddhism, Confucian, Zen, yoga, Zen Tea, Music, and Sound Healing. They not only enhance our passion and ideal, also heal physically and mentally, and exalt spirituality and restore our natural beauty.
  • When attentive playing with them, you keep same pace breathing with drums' sounding. While you are concentrating on both body and mind, it takes you naturally into extreme peace and equilibrium, awakening you to deep sensations on the sound your soul.
  • As very newly-developed musical instruments, steel tongue drums do not require complicated musical theory or any rudiments of music. They can be played by drumstick or by bare hands, beating, patting, or finger patting, with no fixed musical background.

Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Tongue Drum Drums Handpan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag (Color : A) f (D)

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Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Tongue Drum Drums Handpan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag (Color : A) f (D)


  • Steel tongue drums are made with craftsmanship of philosophy, religion, culture, art, and are special blend of contemporary science and technology, vibration theory and novelty designs. Their music is delicate, elegant
  • As very newly-developed musical instruments, steel tongue drums do not require complicated musical theory or any rudiments of music. They can be played by drumstick or by bare hands, beating, patting, or finger patting, with no fixed musical background.
  • When attentive playing with them, you keep same pace breathing with drums' sounding. While you are concentrating on both body and mind, it takes you naturally into extreme peace and equilibrium, awakening you to deep sensations on the sound your soul.
  • Professional Steel Tongue Drum,Made in Germany Authentic ?HandPan, C-Key, 432 Hz-the most coordinated frequency in the universe with the human bodyFor Adult Meditation Entertainment Musical Zen Calming Spiritual Therapy gift-Worry Free Drum-Ethereal Drum
  • Steel tongue drums are broadly used in religion as Buddhism, Confucian, Zen, yoga, Zen Tea, Music, and Sound Healing. They not only enhance our passion and ideal, also heal physically and mentally, and exalt spirituality and restore our natural beauty.

Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Tongue Drum 9 Notes Steel Drum Concert Version D Minor Handpan 22Inch/56Cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag for De

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Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Tongue Drum 9 Notes Steel Drum Concert Version D Minor Handpan 22Inch/56Cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag for De


  • When attentive playing with them, you keep same pace breathing with drums' sounding. While you are concentrating on both body and mind, it takes you naturally into extreme peace and equilibrium, awakening you to deep sensations on the sound your soul.
  • Steel tongue drums are made with craftsmanship of philosophy, religion, culture, art, and are special blend of contemporary science and technology, vibration theory and novelty designs. Their music is delicate, elegant
  • As very newly-developed musical instruments, steel tongue drums do not require complicated musical theory or any rudiments of music. They can be played by drumstick or by bare hands, beating, patting, or finger patting, with no fixed musical background.
  • Professional Steel Tongue Drum,Made in Germany Authentic ?HandPan, C-Key, 432 Hz-the most coordinated frequency in the universe with the human bodyFor Adult Meditation Entertainment Musical Zen Calming Spiritual Therapy gift-Worry Free Drum-Ethereal Drum
  • Steel tongue drums are broadly used in religion as Buddhism, Confucian, Zen, yoga, Zen Tea, Music, and Sound Healing. They not only enhance our passion and ideal, also heal physically and mentally, and exalt spirituality and restore our natural beauty.

Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Handpan in F Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes F3 bA BB C bE F G A C with Soft Bag Handmade Black for Decompression

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Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Handpan in F Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes F3 bA BB C bE F G A C with Soft Bag Handmade Black for Decompression


  • Steel tongue drums are broadly used in religion as Buddhism, Confucian, Zen, yoga, Zen Tea, Music, and Sound Healing. They not only enhance our passion and ideal, also heal physically and mentally, and exalt spirituality and restore our natural beauty.
  • As very newly-developed musical instruments, steel tongue drums do not require complicated musical theory or any rudiments of music. They can be played by drumstick or by bare hands, beating, patting, or finger patting, with no fixed musical background. You can play tongue drums by much improvising, and could make different performance each time, even on the very same song.
  • When attentive playing with them, you keep same pace breathing with drums' sounding. While you are concentrating on both body and mind, it takes you naturally into extreme peace and equilibrium, awakening you to deep sensations on the sound your soul. In such a wonderful state, you are restored to where you originally should be, with the soul mate together. They become more and more popular and welcomed by many music lovers. With Steel tongue drum, you are about to be a musician for yourself.
  • Professional Steel Tongue Drum,Made in Germany Authentic ?HandPan, C-Key, 432 Hz-the most coordinated frequency in the universe with the human bodyFor Adult Meditation Entertainment Musical Zen Calming Spiritual Therapy gift-Worry Free Drum-Ethereal Drum
  • Steel tongue drums are made with craftsmanship of philosophy, religion, culture, art, and are special blend of contemporary science and technology, vibration theory and novelty designs. Their music is delicate, elegant, with the flavor of Chinese traditional musical instruments, such as chimes, guqin, guzheng, and modern drums with strong penetrating power.

Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Drums Handpan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag for Decompression Music and GIF

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Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Drums Handpan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag for Decompression Music and GIF


  • Steel tongue drums are made with craftsmanship of philosophy, religion, culture, art, and are special blend of contemporary science and technology, vibration theory and novelty designs. Their music is delicate, elegant
  • When attentive playing with them, you keep same pace breathing with drums' sounding. While you are concentrating on both body and mind, it takes you naturally into extreme peace and equilibrium, awakening you to deep sensations on the sound your soul. In such a wonderful state, you are restored to where you originally should be, with the soul mate together.
  • As very newly-developed musical instruments, steel tongue drums do not require complicated musical theory or any rudiments of music. They can be played by drumstick or by bare hands, beating, patting, or finger patting, with no fixed musical background.
  • Professional Steel Tongue Drum,Made in Germany Authentic ?HandPan, C-Key, 432 Hz-the most coordinated frequency in the universe with the human bodyFor Adult Meditation Entertainment Musical Zen Calming Spiritual Therapy gift-Worry Free Drum-Ethereal Drum
  • Steel tongue drums are broadly used in religion as Buddhism, Confucian, Zen, yoga, Zen Tea, Music, and Sound Healing. They not only enhance our passion and ideal, also heal physically and mentally, and exalt spirituality and restore our natural beauty.

Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Tongue Drum Drums Handpan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag (Color : A) f (D)

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Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Tongue Drum Drums Handpan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag (Color : A) f (D)


  • Steel tongue drums are broadly used in religion as Buddhism, Confucian, Zen, yoga, Zen Tea, Music, and Sound Healing. They not only enhance our passion and ideal, also heal physically and mentally, and exalt spirituality and restore our natural beauty.
  • When attentive playing with them, you keep same pace breathing with drums' sounding. While you are concentrating on both body and mind, it takes you naturally into extreme peace and equilibrium, awakening you to deep sensations on the sound your soul.
  • Steel tongue drums are made with craftsmanship of philosophy, religion, culture, art, and are special blend of contemporary science and technology, vibration theory and novelty designs. Their music is delicate, elegant
  • Professional Steel Tongue Drum,Made in Germany Authentic ?HandPan, C-Key, 432 Hz-the most coordinated frequency in the universe with the human bodyFor Adult Meditation Entertainment Musical Zen Calming Spiritual Therapy gift-Worry Free Drum-Ethereal Drum
  • As very newly-developed musical instruments, steel tongue drums do not require complicated musical theory or any rudiments of music. They can be played by drumstick or by bare hands, beating, patting, or finger patting, with no fixed musical background.

Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Handpan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag for Decompression Music and Gift

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Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Handpan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag for Decompression Music and Gift


  • Professional Steel Tongue Drum,Made in Germany Authentic ?HandPan, C-Key, 432 Hz-the most coordinated frequency in the universe with the human bodyFor Adult Meditation Entertainment Musical Zen Calming Spiritual Therapy gift-Worry Free Drum-Ethereal Drum
  • As very newly-developed musical instruments, steel tongue drums do not require complicated musical theory or any rudiments of music. They can be played by drumstick or by bare hands, beating, patting, or finger patting, with no fixed musical background. You can play tongue drums by much improvising, and could make different performance each time, even on the very same song.
  • Steel tongue drums are broadly used in religion as Buddhism, Confucian, Zen, yoga, Zen Tea, Music, and Sound Healing. They not only enhance our passion and ideal, also heal physically and mentally, and exalt spirituality and restore our natural beauty.
  • When attentive playing with them, you keep same pace breathing with drums' sounding. While you are concentrating on both body and mind, it takes you naturally into extreme peace and equilibrium, awakening you to deep sensations on the sound your soul. In such a wonderful state, you are restored to where you originally should be, with the soul mate together. They become more and more popular and welcomed by many music lovers. With Steel tongue drum, you are about to be a musician for yourself.
  • Steel tongue drums are made with craftsmanship of philosophy, religion, culture, art, and are special blend of contemporary science and technology, vibration theory and novelty designs. Their music is delicate, elegant, with the flavor of Chinese traditional musical instruments, such as chimes, guqin, guzheng, and modern drums with strong penetrating power.

Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Drums Handpan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag for Decompression Music and GIF

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Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Drums Handpan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag for Decompression Music and GIF


  • Steel tongue drums are made with craftsmanship of philosophy, religion, culture, art, and are special blend of contemporary science and technology, vibration theory and novelty designs. Their music is delicate, elegant
  • Steel tongue drums are broadly used in religion as Buddhism, Confucian, Zen, yoga, Zen Tea, Music, and Sound Healing. They not only enhance our passion and ideal, also heal physically and mentally, and exalt spirituality and restore our natural beauty.
  • As very newly-developed musical instruments, steel tongue drums do not require complicated musical theory or any rudiments of music. They can be played by drumstick or by bare hands, beating, patting, or finger patting, with no fixed musical background.
  • Professional Steel Tongue Drum,Made in Germany Authentic ?HandPan, C-Key, 432 Hz-the most coordinated frequency in the universe with the human bodyFor Adult Meditation Entertainment Musical Zen Calming Spiritual Therapy gift-Worry Free Drum-Ethereal Drum
  • When attentive playing with them, you keep same pace breathing with drums' sounding. While you are concentrating on both body and mind, it takes you naturally into extreme peace and equilibrium, awakening you to deep sensations on the sound your soul. In such a wonderful state, you are restored to where you originally should be, with the soul mate together.

Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Tongue Drum Drums Handpan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag for Decompress

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Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Tongue Drum Drums Handpan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag for Decompress


  • Professional Steel Tongue Drum,Made in Germany Authentic ?HandPan, C-Key, 432 Hz-the most coordinated frequency in the universe with the human bodyFor Adult Meditation Entertainment Musical Zen Calming Spiritual Therapy gift-Worry Free Drum-Ethereal Drum
  • When attentive playing with them, you keep same pace breathing with drums' sounding. While you are concentrating on both body and mind, it takes you naturally into extreme peace and equilibrium, awakening you to deep sensations on the sound your soul.
  • Steel tongue drums are made with craftsmanship of philosophy, religion, culture, art, and are special blend of contemporary science and technology, vibration theory and novelty designs. Their music is delicate, elegant, with the flavor of Chinese traditional musical instruments, such as chimes, guqin, guzheng, and modern drums with strong penetrating power.
  • As very newly-developed musical instruments, steel tongue drums do not require complicated musical theory or any rudiments of music. They can be played by drumstick or by bare hands, beating, patting, or finger patting, with no fixed musical background.
  • Steel tongue drums are broadly used in religion as Buddhism, Confucian, Zen, yoga, Zen Tea, Music, and Sound Healing. They not only enhance our passion and ideal, also heal physically and mentally, and exalt spirituality and restore our natural beauty.

Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Tongue Drum Drums Handpan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag (Color : A) f (A)

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Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Tongue Drum Drums Handpan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag (Color : A) f (A)


  • Steel tongue drums are broadly used in religion as Buddhism, Confucian, Zen, yoga, Zen Tea, Music, and Sound Healing. They not only enhance our passion and ideal, also heal physically and mentally, and exalt spirituality and restore our natural beauty.
  • As very newly-developed musical instruments, steel tongue drums do not require complicated musical theory or any rudiments of music. They can be played by drumstick or by bare hands, beating, patting, or finger patting, with no fixed musical background.
  • Professional Steel Tongue Drum,Made in Germany Authentic ?HandPan, C-Key, 432 Hz-the most coordinated frequency in the universe with the human bodyFor Adult Meditation Entertainment Musical Zen Calming Spiritual Therapy gift-Worry Free Drum-Ethereal Drum
  • When attentive playing with them, you keep same pace breathing with drums' sounding. While you are concentrating on both body and mind, it takes you naturally into extreme peace and equilibrium, awakening you to deep sensations on the sound your soul.
  • Steel tongue drums are made with craftsmanship of philosophy, religion, culture, art, and are special blend of contemporary science and technology, vibration theory and novelty designs. Their music is delicate, elegant

Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Drums Handpan in F Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes F3 bA BB C bE F G A C with Soft Bag Handmade Black for Decompression

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Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Drums Handpan in F Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes F3 bA BB C bE F G A C with Soft Bag Handmade Black for Decompression


  • When attentive playing with them,you keep same pace breathing with drums'sounding.While you are concentrating on both body and mind,it takes you naturally into extreme peace and equilibrium,awakening you to deep sensations on the sound your soul.In such a wonderful state,you are restored to where you originally should be,with the soul mate together.
  • As very newly-developed musical instruments,steel tongue drums do not require complicated musical theory or any rudiments of music.They can be played by drumstick or by bare hands,beating,patting,or finger patting,with no fixed musical background.
  • Professional Steel Tongue Drum,Made in Germany Authentic ?HandPan,C-Key,432 Hz-the most coordinated frequency in the universe with the human bodyFor Adult Meditation Entertainment Musical Zen Calming Spiritual Therapy gift-Worry Free Drum-Ethereal Drum
  • Steel tongue drums are broadly used in religion as Buddhism,Confucian,Zen,yoga,Zen Tea,Music,and Sound Healing.They not only enhance our passion and ideal,also heal physically and mentally,and exalt spirituality and restore our natural beauty.
  • Steel tongue drums are made with craftsmanship of philosophy,religion,culture,art,and are special blend of contemporary science and technology,vibration theory and novelty designs.Their music is delicate,elegant

Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Concert Version D Minor Handpan 17 Notes Steel Drum 22Inch/56Cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 17 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag for Decompression Music a

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Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Concert Version D Minor Handpan 17 Notes Steel Drum 22Inch/56Cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 17 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag for Decompression Music a


  • As very newly-developed musical instruments,steel tongue drums do not require complicated musical theory or any rudiments of music.They can be played by drumstick or by bare hands,beating,patting,or finger patting,with no fixed musical background.
  • Steel tongue drums are broadly used in religion as Buddhism,Confucian,Zen,yoga,Zen Tea,Music,and Sound Healing.They not only enhance our passion and ideal,also heal physically and mentally,and exalt spirituality and restore our natural beauty.
  • Steel tongue drums are made with craftsmanship of philosophy,religion,culture,art,and are special blend of contemporary science and technology,vibration theory and novelty designs.Their music is delicate,elegant
  • Professional Steel Tongue Drum,Made in Germany Authentic ?HandPan,C-Key,432 Hz-the most coordinated frequency in the universe with the human bodyFor Adult Meditation Entertainment Musical Zen Calming Spiritual Therapy gift-Worry Free Drum-Ethereal Drum
  • When attentive playing with them,you keep same pace breathing with drums'sounding.While you are concentrating on both body and mind,it takes you naturally into extreme peace and equilibrium,awakening you to deep sensations on the sound your soul.In such a wonderful state,you are restored to where you originally should be,with the soul mate together.

Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Tongue Drum Drums Handpan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag Black for Dec

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Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Tongue Drum Drums Handpan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag Black for Dec


  • Professional Steel Tongue Drum,Made in Germany Authentic ?HandPan, C-Key, 432 Hz-the most coordinated frequency in the universe with the human bodyFor Adult Meditation Entertainment Musical Zen Calming Spiritual Therapy gift-Worry Free Drum-Ethereal Drum
  • When attentive playing with them, you keep same pace breathing with drums' sounding. While you are concentrating on both body and mind, it takes you naturally into extreme peace and equilibrium, awakening you to deep sensations on the sound your soul.
  • Steel tongue drums are broadly used in religion as Buddhism, Confucian, Zen, yoga, Zen Tea, Music, and Sound Healing. They not only enhance our passion and ideal, also heal physically and mentally, and exalt spirituality and restore our natural beauty.
  • Steel tongue drums are made with craftsmanship of philosophy, religion, culture, art, and are special blend of contemporary science and technology, vibration theory and novelty designs. Their music is delicate, elegant
  • As very newly-developed musical instruments, steel tongue drums do not require complicated musical theory or any rudiments of music. They can be played by drumstick or by bare hands, beating, patting, or finger patting, with no fixed musical background.

Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Tongue Drum Drums Handpan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag for Decompress

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Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Steel Tongue Drum Drums Handpan in D Minor 9 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag for Decompress


  • Steel tongue drums are broadly used in religion as Buddhism, Confucian, Zen, yoga, Zen Tea, Music, and Sound Healing. They not only enhance our passion and ideal, also heal physically and mentally, and exalt spirituality and restore our natural beauty.
  • As very newly-developed musical instruments, steel tongue drums do not require complicated musical theory or any rudiments of music. They can be played by drumstick or by bare hands, beating, patting, or finger patting, with no fixed musical background.
  • Professional Steel Tongue Drum,Made in Germany Authentic ?HandPan, C-Key, 432 Hz-the most coordinated frequency in the universe with the human bodyFor Adult Meditation Entertainment Musical Zen Calming Spiritual Therapy gift-Worry Free Drum-Ethereal Drum
  • Steel tongue drums are made with craftsmanship of philosophy, religion, culture, art, and are special blend of contemporary science and technology, vibration theory and novelty designs. Their music is delicate, elegant, with the flavor of Chinese traditional musical instruments, such as chimes, guqin, guzheng, and modern drums with strong penetrating power.
  • When attentive playing with them, you keep same pace breathing with drums' sounding. While you are concentrating on both body and mind, it takes you naturally into extreme peace and equilibrium, awakening you to deep sensations on the sound your soul.

Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Handpan in D Minor Double Sided 17 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/ 56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag for Decompression Mus

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Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Handpan in D Minor Double Sided 17 Notes Steel Drum 22inch/ 56cm Harmonic Percussion for Sound Healing 9 Notes D3 A BB C D E F G A with Soft Bag for Decompression Mus


  • When attentive playing with them, you keep same pace breathing with drums' sounding. While you are concentrating on both body and mind, it takes you naturally into extreme peace and equilibrium, awakening you to deep sensations on the sound your soul. In such a wonderful state, you are restored to where you originally should be, with the soul mate together. They become more and more popular and welcomed by many music lovers. With Steel tongue drum, you are about to be a musician for yourself.
  • Professional Steel Tongue Drum, Made in Germany Authentic ?HandPan, C-Key, 432 Hz- the most coordinated frequency in the universe with the human bodyFor Adult Meditation Entertainment Musical Zen Calming Spiritual Therapy gift- Worry Free Drum- Ethereal Drum
  • Steel tongue drums are broadly used in religion as Buddhism, Confucian, Zen, yoga, Zen Tea, Music, and Sound Healing. They not only enhance our passion and ideal, also heal physically and mentally, and exalt spirituality and restore our natural beauty.
  • As very newly- developed musical instruments, steel tongue drums do not require complicated musical theory or any rudiments of music. They can be played by drumstick or by bare hands, beating, patting, or finger patting, with no fixed musical background. You can play tongue drums by much improvising, and could make different performance each time, even on the very same song.
  • Steel tongue drums are made with craftsmanship of philosophy, religion, culture, art, and are special blend of contemporary science and technology, vibration theory and novelty designs. Their music is delicate, elegant, with the flavor of Chinese traditional musical instruments, such as chimes, guqin, guzheng, and modern drums with strong penetrating power.

Steel Tongue Drum à 6 Pouces 8 Tons,Tongue Drum C Key Percussion Steel Drum Kit,Mini Tambour Handpan Instrument à Percussion en Acier de Tambour à Main,Pour la Méditation,Yoga,Performances,éducation

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Steel Tongue Drum à 6 Pouces 8 Tons,Tongue Drum C Key Percussion Steel Drum Kit,Mini Tambour Handpan Instrument à Percussion en Acier de Tambour à Main,Pour la Méditation,Yoga,Performances,éducation


  • Exercice Physique et MentalJouer de la batterie peut faire de l'EXERCICE un exercice physique et mental.Il aide à améliorer la coordination main-pied chez les enfants dès leur plus jeune âge et à améliorer leur intelligence musicale,leur vision,leur toucher et leur entraînement auditif.Peut également exercer vos mains,votre cerveau et votre cœur!
  • Plus Large Gamme de SonsLe tambour à langue en acier de 6 pouces dispose de 8 notes en C standard avec une plus large gamme de sons pour jouer plus de chansons.Jouer un tambour peut soulager le stress et apporter de la détente et de l'énergie paisible dans votre vie.
  • Matériau en Acier Titane de Haute QualitéMatériau en acier allié de haute qualité.Ce tambour handpan de 6 pouces à 8 notes élimine les impuretés 'de fer',peut produire un son pur et éthéré.La finition mate unique rend les gens calmes,mais très texturés au toucher.
  • Différentes Façons de JouerFacile à jouer,vous pouvez le jouer facilement avec les maillets de batterie inclus ou avec vos mains,et les bâtons de notes inclus vous aideront à faire de superbes sons.En outre,l’écho en jouant avec des maillets sera plus pénétrant et plus éthéré.
  • Meilleur Choix de CadeauLe tambour à langue en acier convient à toutes les occasions:fêtes,spectacles sur scène,présentations,réunions de famille,célébrations à l’église et activités d’extérieur comme le camping,les piqueniques et bien plus encore.De plus,c’est un cadeau idéal pour tout le monde,il conviendra aux débutants comme aux professionnels.

Boseago Handpan Tongue Drum en Acier à Clé D 15 Tons 14 Pouces, Steel Tambour de Langue, Instrument de Musique à Percussion Yoga Méditation, avec Sac, livret de partitions, 2 Maillets, Médiators

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Boseago Handpan Tongue Drum en Acier à Clé D 15 Tons 14 Pouces, Steel Tambour de Langue, Instrument de Musique à Percussion Yoga Méditation, avec Sac, livret de partitions, 2 Maillets, Médiators


  • Traitement Protecteur: Ce tambour handpan portable de 14 pouces et 15 notes avec finition laquée protectrice protège contre le ternissement, les éraflures, les rayures et la corrosion. Les troix pieds en caoutchouc isolent le tambour pour un jeu stable et un son sans restriction. En outre, nous fournissons également un sac de rangement anti-poussière, vous pouvez le transporter avec vous, un rangement pratique lorsqu'il n'est pas utilisé.
  • Largement d'Application: Ce hang drum peut être le meilleur choix d'instrument de musique pour le débutant ou le professionnel, facile à apprendre et applicable à une variété de domaines, y compris l'éducation musicale, la guérison mentale, la méditation de yoga, le Zen, les performances professionnelles, etc. est également un excellent cadeau pour vous-même, vos amis et votre famille. Il peut aussi soulager le stress, apporter détente et énergie paisible à votre vie.
  • Accordage Parfait: Toutes les notes ont une excellente vibration de résonance. Le nouveau matériau en acier évitant le bruit de traînée causé par la résonance excessive de l'acier au titane rend la qualité sonore plus pure. Chaque note est vérifiée avec un accordeur qui a une gamme de sons.
  • Premium Material: Le handpan tongue drum en acier fabriqué à la main en alliage acier-titane de haute qualité, poli à la main qui élimine les impuretés « de fer », produit un son propre, éthéré, semblable à celui de Bouddha.
  • Facile à Apprendre et à Jouer: Aucune musique de fond requise, D majeur avec une échelle naturelle plus large de 15 tons, suivant la partition, qui peut jouer presque toutes les chansons courantes, vous apporte un sentiment d'exploration par vous-même. Plus la taille est grande, meilleur est l'effet musical. Le plateau à main est livré avec deux maillets et 4 bobines de doigt en acier qui permettent à entendre le son merveilleux pour débutant ou passionné.

Steel Tongue Drums à 12 Pouces 13 Tons,Tambour Handpan,Mini Instrument à Percussion en Acier de Tambour à Main avec Sac, Idéal Pour le Yoga, la Méditation,le zen,le Camping, l'Éducation

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Steel Tongue Drums à 12 Pouces 13 Tons,Tambour Handpan,Mini Instrument à Percussion en Acier de Tambour à Main avec Sac, Idéal Pour le Yoga, la Méditation,le zen,le Camping, l'Éducation


  • Conception distinctive de l'artisanat du tambour en acier Tambour à languette en acier fabriqué à la main par un pur savoir-faire. La coupe méticuleuse de la surface du tambour en forme de pétales de lotus rend le tambour de 12 pouces et 13 notes exquis et non conventionnel. La finition protectrice rouge brillante unique donne aux gens une sensation de vitalité, également très douce au toucher.
  • Principe du son du tambour de langue Le tambour de langue est un instrument de percussion qui est entraîné par le son de la langue pour résonner dans toute la cavité. Avec les baguettes, la langue vibre, et après avoir maîtrisé le rythme de base, il suffit de frapper un beau rythme.
  • Exercice physique et mental Jouer de la batterie peut EXERCER l'exercice physique et mental des gens. Il aide à améliorer la coordination main-pied chez les enfants dès leur plus jeune âge et à améliorer leur intelligence musicale, leur vision, leur toucher et leur entraînement auditif. Peut également exercer vos mains, votre cerveau et votre cœur !
  • Nouvelle mise à niveau de l'acier allié au titaneAdtops un nouvel acier allié au titane amélioré. Le tambour en acier allié élimine les impuretés « de fer », ce qui rend le tambour plus éthéré et plus pur que les autres tambours en acier au carbone. De plus, 3 bases en caoutchouc le rendent plus stable et ne glisse pas.
  • Large utilisation Ce tambour de langue de tambour de handpan peut être utilisé dans l'éducation musicale, la guérison de l'esprit, la méditation de yoga, etc. Un beau son de batterie peut soulager le stress, il peut vous rendre tendu pour vous calmer lentement. Le tambour de langue est également un excellent cadeau pour les amis, la famille et vous-même.

Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Profession Advanced Version Steel Drum in D Minor (20.9" (53Cm) Blue 9 Notes (D3 A3 Bb3 C D E F G A) for Decompression Music and Gift (Color : Green) (Purple)

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Steel Tongue Drum Tank Drum Profession Advanced Version Steel Drum in D Minor (20.9" (53Cm) Blue 9 Notes (D3 A3 Bb3 C D E F G A) for Decompression Music and Gift (Color : Green) (Purple)


  • I guarantee : 100% quality control . Checked overtone metal sound . All notes have excellent resonance vibration . Each note checked with a tuner – minimum possible fluctuations .
  • Professional Steel Tongue Drum,Made in Germany Authentic ?HandPan, C-Key, 432 Hz-the most coordinated frequency in the universe with the human bodyFor Adult Meditation Entertainment Musical Zen Calming Spiritual Therapy gift-Worry Free Drum-Ethereal Drum
  • Handpan drum steel drum handmade ,The drum is a layer with up to 21 force layers, containing more than 1000 samples. There are many pits on the drum surface and bumps directly above, each one has a pitch that is overtoned, so the There are many different forms of disc drums.
  • 9 Notes: in D Minor 9 notes (D3 A Bb C D E F G A) Measurements: measurements 20.9 inches diameter and 10 inches high
  • Please Note: Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyer's responsibility.

steel drum Guide d'achat

Comme vous recherchiez le meilleur steel drum, j'ai répertorié toutes les options les mieux notées ci-dessus. Cependant, si vous êtes l'un d'entre eux qui est nouveau dans Steel-drums, alors vous devez être impatient d'en savoir plus sur les éléments à considérer lors de l'achat d'un steel drum, c'est là que ce guide sera utile.

1. Vos exigences

Il y a un but à tout ce que nous achetons, c'est pourquoi lorsque vous achetez un steel drum, vous devez effectuer certaines tâches. Ainsi, lorsque vous choisissez une unité, assurez-vous qu'elle possède toutes les fonctionnalités dont vous aurez besoin ou qu'elle résout vos besoins d'utilisation. Parfois, même le plus coûteux, c'est-à-dire GLADFRESIT 432hz Handpan Steel Drum 9 Notes 22inch "GOLD Performer" in D Minor with handpan stand, handpan case, durable mallets and dust-free cloth (432 Hz) n'a pas toutes les fonctionnalités dont vous aurez besoin.

2. Budget

Il est important de respecter un budget, mais choisir un steel drum basé sur un budget peut parfois être erroné. D'après mon expérience, vous devez d'abord dresser une liste d'exigences, puis trouver une fourchette de budget qui peut répondre à toutes vos exigences. Une fois cela fait, décidez d'un budget et magasinez en conséquence. Sinon, il y a de fortes chances que vous vous contentiez d'un steel drum bon marché et que vous ayez une mauvaise expérience plus tard.

3. Caractéristiques vs prix

L'achat d'un steel drum peut parfois s'avérer délicat, c'est pourquoi vous devez suivre la proposition de rapport qualité-prix de La Meilleur. Fondamentalement, vous donnez ici une valeur de prix pour chaque fonctionnalité individuelle. De cette façon, lorsque vous dépensez un dollar supplémentaire pour une fonctionnalité, vous serez en mesure de déterminer si cette fonctionnalité supplémentaire en vaut la peine. Cette astuce peut vous faire économiser énormément d'argent à long terme.

4. Marques

J'ai analysé un bon nombre d'avis. Sur la base de mon analyse, j'ai découvert que la majorité d'entre eux qui ont acheté un steel drum de marque étaient assez satisfaits de leur achat et n'ont rencontré aucun problème par la suite. D'après mon expérience, voici les 5 meilleures steel drum marques auxquelles vous pouvez faire confiance (basées sur des données.)

  • Orora
  • Everjoys
  • Sonic Energy

5. Offres

Une bonne chose à propos d'Internet est que vous pouvez simplement rechercher des offres steel drum ou steel drum remise/promo et vous pourrez facilement trouver une liste d'offres en cours. S'il ne s'agit pas d'un achat urgent, vous pouvez facilement vous abonner à l'un des sites d'offres de France et vous serez averti s'il y a une offre en cours ou s'il y a une offre à peu près la même à l'avenir.

6. Suivi des prix

Un autre avantage de l'achat d'un steel drum en ligne est que vous pouvez utiliser des sites Web de suivi des prix et savoir si l'argent que vous dépensez pour l'option que vous avez choisie n'est pas supérieur au prix moyen du marché. Ces trackers de prix sont également livrés avec des fonctionnalités supplémentaires qui vous avertiront lorsque les prix baissent.

Le verdict

Merci d'avoir lu cet article, j'espère qu'il vous a aidé à trouver le steel drum adapté à vos besoins. Sur la base de mes recherches, voici les recommandations suivantes :

  • Si vous recherchez le meilleur steel drum, envisagez d'acheter le ORORA Handpan Steel Tongue drum (12 pouces 13 notes) - Instrument de musique enfant et adulte - Tambour zen et méditation - Hang Drum - Ebook de 20 partitions offert - Cadeau original relaxation
  • Si vous souhaitez obtenir un budget steel drum, envisagez d'obtenir le GLADFRESIT 432hz Handpan Steel Drum 9 notes 22inch "Purple Performer" in D Minor with handpan stand, handpan case
  • Si vous avez besoin du steel drum le moins cher mais le meilleur, envisagez d'acheter le ORORA Handpan Steel Tongue drum (12 pouces 13 notes) - Instrument de musique enfant et adulte - Tambour zen et méditation - Hang Drum - Ebook de 20 partitions offert - Cadeau original relaxation

Toujours incapable de choisir le bon steel drum, contactez-nous en utilisant le formulaire de commentaire ci-dessous ou contactez-nous.


Quel est le meilleur steel drum ?

Selon moi, le ORORA Handpan Steel Tongue drum (12 pouces 13 notes) - Instrument de musique enfant et adulte - Tambour zen et méditation - Hang Drum - Ebook de 20 partitions offert - Cadeau original relaxation est parmi les meilleurs steel drum que l'argent puisse acheter. Vous pouvez également considérer le Sonic Energy Octave Steel Tongue Drum - D Amara 9 tons (D3/A3, C4, D4, E4, F4, G4, A4, C5) - Tambour en acier pour méditation, percussion - Gravure - Avec maillette/sac (OSTD2NBE) qui possède presque toutes les fonctionnalités de la 1ère unité, mais est un peu moins cher que celui-ci.

Quel steel drum offre le meilleur rapport qualité-prix ?

D'après mes recherches, le GLADFRESIT 432hz Handpan Steel Drum 9 notes 22inch "Purple Performer" in D Minor with handpan stand, handpan case est l'une des options steel drum offrant le meilleur rapport qualité-prix en 2023. Il possède toutes les fonctionnalités essentielles, mais manque certaines des fonctionnalités supplémentaires présentes dans les meilleures options. , donc si vous n'avez pas besoin de ces fonctionnalités supplémentaires, vous pouvez vous en contenter.

Dois-je acheter un steel drum bon marché et lequel ?

Le GLADFRESIT 432hz Handpan Steel Drum 9 Notes 22inch "GOLD Performer" in D Minor with handpan stand, handpan case, durable mallets and dust-free cloth (432 Hz) est le steel drum le moins cher disponible. Bien qu'il fasse partie des options bon marché, il est livré avec toutes les fonctionnalités essentielles, c'est pourquoi je l'ai ajouté à ma liste.

Quel est le meilleur ORORA Handpan Steel Tongue drum (12 pouces 13 notes) - Instrument de musique enfant et adulte - Tambour zen et méditation - Hang Drum - Ebook de 20 partitions offert - Cadeau original relaxation ou le GLADFRESIT 432hz Handpan Steel Drum 9 Notes 22inch "GOLD Performer" in D Minor with handpan stand, handpan case, durable mallets and dust-free cloth (432 Hz) ?

À mon avis, le ORORA Handpan Steel Tongue drum (12 pouces 13 notes) - Instrument de musique enfant et adulte - Tambour zen et méditation - Hang Drum - Ebook de 20 partitions offert - Cadeau original relaxation est une meilleure option, il est livré avec toutes les fonctionnalités essentielles steel drum ainsi que quelques fonctionnalités supplémentaires. Cependant, le GLADFRESIT 432hz Handpan Steel Drum 9 Notes 22inch "GOLD Performer" in D Minor with handpan stand, handpan case, durable mallets and dust-free cloth (432 Hz) est livré avec certaines des fonctionnalités essentielles, mais manque les fonctionnalités supplémentaires.

Amazon est-il fiable pour acheter un steel drum ?

J'ai acheté beaucoup d'articles Steel-drums sur Amazon, j'ai également consulté les avis des clients qui ont acheté un steel drum sur Amazon et la majorité d'entre eux étaient satisfaits de la livraison, du produit et tarification.

Louis Lavigne

Louis Lavigne est le rédacteur en chef principal de La Meilleur. Il a travaillé dans des magazines, des agences de presse et écrit maintenant des nouvelles technologiques en ligne sur cette plate-forme.

Il n'y a pas encore de commentaires.
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